
Morse Manual Tilt Control Options

Morse offers a wide range of ways to manually control the dump of your drums with their Model 285A Forklift-Karrier attachment.

Standard Morse Chain Pulley


 The standard Chain wheel and pull chain



Morse Hand Crank 

Hand crank


MORStop Hand Wheel


Hand wheel



All are available with factory installed MORStop Tilt-Brake feature.

MORStop Tilt-Brake Advantages and Benefits:
  • Gives the operator unprecedented control and ease of use by holding the drum tilt position constant even when removing tension from the pull-chain or crank handle
  • Eliminates backdrive from heavily loaded, unbalanced drum and prevents drum from tilting due to its own weight-shift
  • Braking is immediate and self-actuating, without additional steps by the user
  • Braking action works in either forward or reverse tilt-direction




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