With ForkGrips simply slip Fork Grips onto the ends of the forks, takes only a matter of seconds. This is much quicker than using a chain and much safer than climbing onto the truck bed to help push or pull the pallet off of the truck. With the Fork Grips on the end of the forks drive the forks under the edge of the pallet or tub and lift the load slightly. With the Fork Grips in position gently drag the load closer to the edge of the truck bed. Click here to go to demo. The situation: the forklift forks barely reach under the pallet that needs to be removed from the delivery truck. Typically, someone would need to climb onto the truck to help push, pull, or pry the pallet or tub till the forks can fully engage the load, or a chain would be used to drag the load to that point, or off we go to find fork extensions to see if they will or will not reach.